1260 South Parker Road, Suite 104 / Denver, CO 80231
(303) 695-7899
Many ethnic skin types are considered tricky to work with and prone to hyperpigmentation (dark spots). Because of my experience in the industry, working with Black skincare and Asian skincare as well as Native American, East Indian, Middle Eastern and Hispanic ethnic skin has become a welcome challenge.
Let’s start with the differences and challenges an esthetician faces when treating ethnic and Asian skincare.
As soon as a client walks through the door I begin my analysis by looking at the undertones and overtones of the skin as well as the client’s medical history, environment, pore size, hair growth and nutrition. This helps me to determine how to best treat the skin for optimal results.

But it’s not just that; there are other things I look for when working on darker or ethnic skin types. Heritage plays a key role in how your skin will respond to certain protocols (basically, I need to know where you came from!). When working with Hispanic skin, Asian skin or Black skin certain products and treatments should simply be avoided.
Knowing these differences enables me to skillfully choose the proper skincare products for Hispanic, Asian, Black and other ethnic skin types.
Some ethnicities hailing from a Native American or Asian heritage can be especially reactive. Using ingredients that will not stimulate flushing or reactivity in the skin is key. The chances of such a reaction make working with Black and Hispanic skin particularly tricky.
Sometimes African American people don’t know they have Native American in their bloodline. Therefore I look at how the eyebrow and eyelash hair grows as well as the skin undertones to determine if I should use skincare protocol for Black skin, or perhaps go another route.
Because of this increase in awareness, calming products created for ethnic skin have steadily increased in the beauty industry in the past ten years.
Middle Eastern or East Indian skin types tend to be fairly hearty and strong, however this skin type tends to develop dark spots when healing from a blemish or over exposure to sun. Stimulating the skin's healthy melanin production by applying products high in fruit acids, vitamins and phytonutrients (plant compounds) make this type of skin more resistant against hyperpigmentation and discoloration.
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Lastly, a client’s blood type gives me a lot of information about their heritage and how to treat their skin. I can also determine if there is something in the client’s diet that is contributing to skin issues. What’s going on inside the body shows up in your skin, so you really are what you eat! There are actually zones on the face that correspond to specific organ systems and their functionality.
Every time I work on any ethnic skin type, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Native American, Middle Eastern, or East Indian I take all the factors I've mentioned into consideration. Call today for a facial and consultation so we can figure out how to help you put your best face forward!